While walking my dog around the neighborhood, an unusual looking object caught my eye. It could have been an Easter egg considering it was around that time. Though the shape wasn’t exactly right for an egg. Curiosity got the better of me, and I knew the neighbor well, so I stepped closer into their yard to examine the intriguing object. It was a smooth flat rock covered with some fun art and an uplifting message. “Paint your worries with Happiness”. It instantly brought a smile to my face. I remembered a conversation on our community chat group about how a group of girls, let me call them the Rocking Fairies, were painting these rocks and leaving them in yards for people to find them. They call the rocks the kindness rocks. In a world full of gloom and doom and worry, what a beautiful way to make someone’s day!
A small rock brought a big smile on my face, wiped my worries for a little while, and changed my mood. It relaxed the muscles on my face and brought warmth to my heart. Regardless of the debate between scientists about which uses more muscles, a smile or a frown, the smile affects one extra precious muscle, the heart! I knew about laughter therapy. That moment made me aware of the smile therapy. There is always something precious in everyone’s life, like a kid’s photo, a funny or interesting memory, pet photos and videos, or something else, that always brings a smile. Then there are the likes of Steven Colbert, Trevor Noah, John Oliver, Samantha Bee to name a few of the slew of late night comedians, who never cease to do their bit in bringing enough smiles. Not to forget the jokes circulating on chat groups. There is something for everyone!
Recently I saw a Marathi movie called “Smile Please”. The movie’s protagonist is a female fashion photographer. In the movie, the woman who asked her subjects to “smile please”, herself loses her smile to a malady. But her friend wins her happiness and her smile back as she regains her sense of purpose despite her illness. Other than the obvious reasons that bring a smile; like an act of kindness or a funny episode; a general sense of purpose brings in happiness and well being and a smile follows closely.
Just like there are apps that remind you to breathe, or drink enough water, there are apps one can install on a smartphone that remind you to smile. Though for me, it would be weird, and maybe even a little funny, if the app reminds me right in the middle of a fighting match with my spouse, or right when I am lecturing my kids -”Ding dong! It's time for you to smile”! I can totally imagine kids would try to hack into the app to trigger notifications at the “opportune” moments! I would personally prefer a more organically evolving smile. I would rather save my “Smile Makers” like tucking away a memory to be summoned at a low point to wipe those worry lines, or watching my favorite dog video till my frown turns into a smile.
Whatever the preferred gadget, one can’t emphasize the importance of a smile, especially in these trying times. So here’s to the Rocking Fairies and their kindness rocks for their reminder to “Smile Please” !
Here is "'Smile App(y)" reminding you to smile!! :) Keep writing ....and smiling!!